Fonthouse 'standard' surface finish for numerals, letters, plaques and signage is Brushed Stainless Steel. We use grade 304L as standard and find this to be durable in the vast majority of applications. In harsh environments with exposure to sea air and water, we will use Marine grade (316) as a bespoke upgrade.
'Bronzing': an additional process on brushed stainless gives a durable bronze/gold surface finish for £3.00 per letter (15cm height)
Bead-blasting gives a randomly grainy, satin/matt finish. It adds around £1.75 to the price of a 15cm Brushed numeral/letter. Please contact for details.
LEFT to RIGHT: Brushed, Bronzed and Bead-blasted stainless steel
In-house typefaces
We have a font library encompassing those listed here →
However, we can make up special bespoke sizes of our 'In-House' fonts for a small cost premium.
Additionally, we can produce other fonts; please contact for details.
Typefaces on request
We can usually supply most typefaces, FREE from our library - please contact for availabilities
Art Nouveau - 12.5cm numerals
Frutiger (Bold) - 15cm/25cm
Helvetica Regular & Bold- 12.5cm/17.5cm
Neutraface - 15cm (Aluminium Numerals only: coming October 2014!)
Play - 15cm/20cm/25cm
Letter/Numeral Sizes
Small - 12.5cm: this sizes works well for private/residential/ small scale signage where space is limited or need for upward of 15 characters.
Large - 15cm: usually a good trade-off between legibility and space-usage, where the text is read at reasonably close distance.
Applications: Residential, Retail
Extra-Large - 25cm: an impact size with an easy legibility.
Applications: Residential, Shop banners and Commercial signage
Mounting Options
This method is the fontHOUSE's most common fix for letters, numerals and plaques. Small and Large characters are displaced 1cm away from the surface; with a transparent spacer to regulate the stand-off. Pins are A2 stainless steel to avoid any possibility of corrosion.
Extra-Large characters have a 'stand-off' of 1.5cm
Templates are supplied for all Pin-fixed characters
For a quick fix - quite literally - waterproof self-adhesive pads are the next most common fixing method. A template is taped to the target surface with a 'cut-out' to frame each letter/numeral.
Sometimes this is the only way to fix to glass or other smooth synthetic materials and suitable for painted exterior doors too.
Stainless steel screws with 'pozi' or security heads are another method of securing plaques and lettering to masonry or wood.